Saturday, March 29, 2025

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Yoga for Belly Fat Loss

Yoga is extremely effective in removing fat. It goes without saying that no matter what diet you have if you have fat in your stomach and waist, he doesn’t want to move anymore. Reducing stomach fat and cellulite is a difficult task. There are many people in our country whose whole body is fit and slim but do not think about how to hide the feeling of another tremor in the stomach.

A specially targeted exercise is needed to remove and sharpen the fat from a specific area of ​​the body. It could be a heavy gym workout or a light freehand exercise or yoga. I like Personalized Yoga because it does not have the hassle of gym workouts as it does not have a fear of leaving the exercises or being rested for a few days, the body fat again. Today, with the addition of yoga to remove fat that regular practice, you will find slim, flat abs, and a few inches of fat will fall from the waist without looking.

Bow-Pose, trend health

1) Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This seat will put pressure on your stomach’s Dipset mass and will help the digestion process better by eliminating your gut, gallbladder, and pancreas.

Lie down on your stomach. Now, with two legs slightly broken, lift your legs as high as you can.

Hold it tight with two hands and hold it close to the two ankles.

Raise the legs as high as you can with your two hands to breathe slowly. With this, let your entire upper floor rise above the floor.

That way, stay for about 5 seconds. Then slowly release his hand and go back to the previous position.

Do this seat 2-3 times daily. 

Read Also: what is yoga? A Brief History Of Yoga

Bridge-Pose, trend health

2) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

This seat is equally useful for all parts of your heart, shoulders, spine, and abdominal. It also helps increase your metabolism rate.

Lie down and read. Now, with your knees broken, your feet touch the floor like a picture.

Slowly lift your waist and back from the floor to prevent breathing.

Remember that your spit touches your chest and your palms are evenly spaced on the floor.

Do this for a full minute then slowly lower the body back to the floor with a deep breath.

Boat-Pose, trend health

3) Naukasana (Boat Pose)

This seat strengthens your abdominal and lowers back muscles. It does not easily hang the belly.

Find out what to do –

Sit together with two legs straight.

Now try to lift the two legs together as much as you can. Do not touch the floor with your hands. Keep the balance.

You cannot make this seat perfect first. So lift your legs as many seconds as you can and return to the previous position.

Try to lift the legs more and more each time slowly.

Do this seat 5 times a day.

Sun salutation, trend health

4) Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation)

Surya Namaskar is a combination of many seats. It is usually best to do it immediately after waking up in the morning as it provides more benefits, including improved blood circulation, reduced fat. How often you need to do sunshine or what you do depends entirely on your time and stamina. See how to do the sunshine through the picture below.

Snake-Pose, trend health

5) Sarpasana (Snake Pose)

This posture helps significantly increase the strength of your spine, waist, and abdominal mass. It increases body heat, as well.

Find out what to do –

First, lie down on the stomach with a mass. The two legs will be empty, and the palms of the hands will be placed on the floor beside the head.

Now with the slow breathing, gently lift the upper part of the body like a picture and lift it upwards.

Try to stretch your abdominal muscles as much as you can. Be sure to keep the foot on the floor. That way, stay 8-20 seconds.

Practice this seat at least 5 times.

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