Friday, March 14, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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What To Eat To Be Healthy – Products Everyone Should Have in Their Diets

Many factors influence the state of health and well-being, and food is one of the most important. In this article, we decided to make the Top 10 products for the content of vitamins, micro-elements, and other useful substances.

  1. Fish and seafood

The fish contains large quantities of vitamins (A, groups B, D, and E), a vitamin of youth and beauty biotin, as well as many micronutrients (potassium, phosphorus, selenium) and useful omega-3 acids. For example, fish varieties such as salmon, carp, tuna, white fish, cod, mackerel, and sardines contain a lot of phosphorus. Selenium is rich in sea bass, swordfish, halibut, tilapia, mussels, lobster meat, shrimp, and squid.

  1. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables contain vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, as well as beta-carotene and many others. For example, spinach is considered one of the healthiest green leafy vegetables. This green leafy vegetable is just a mine of useful substances, including vitamin E and B vitamins. You can add spinach to salads and used to prepare many dishes, for example, casserole, pancakes, smoothies, and many others. The good news is that spinach is available all year round, albeit frozen. Also, such green vegetables as asparagus, Chinese broccoli, leafy cabbage, young dandelion leaves, Roman salad, and leaf beets are useful.

  1. Seeds

Sunflower seeds contain many B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron, biotin, and potassium. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of phosphorus. Healthful grains are sesame seeds, flax, and Spanish sage (chia). You can add it to many dishes, for example, in small quantities – in milk and kefir smoothies.

  1. Milk

We often hear that children should drink milk, and then they will be healthy. And it is true. Cow’s milk is a leading product in terms of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. With milk, and you can cook oatmeal, semolina and rice porridge, omelets, pancakes in milk, soups and much, much more. If you do not like milk itself, try making smoothies with milk or milk necks. Also, today, various types of milk are available in stores, for example, ready-made milk with cocoa.

  1. Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils contain a lot of vitamin E. Probably, everyone knows about how healthy extra virgin olive oil is. Sunflower oil, and linseed, and soy, and canola, and sesame are useful in their way. Vegetable oil is widely used in cooking; for example, Italians add olive oil to salads and other dishes.

  1. Meat

Even though vegetarianism is very popular today, meat has been and remains a source of many useful vitamins and minerals, in particular, B vitamins. Besides, pork contains vitamin D, beef, and chicken meat contains vitamin K. Beef and lamb are an excellent source of essential vitamins. Chicken, turkey, and beef contain selenium, which is necessary for the thyroid gland to function. The healthiest product is beef liver (a source of vitamins and amino acids), which can be perfectly prepared with sour cream. Rabbit meat contains a lot of easily digestible protein, with little cholesterol, a lot of calcium and phosphorus.

  1. Dairy products

Far from everyone knows that dairy products are digested even better than milk. Also, fermented milk products contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Due to the high content of beneficial bacteria, dairy products improve the intestinal microflora, which in the best way, affects the general condition of the body. Today, a massive variety of sour-milk and lactic acid products based on cow’s milk is available. Among them are kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, sourdough, cottage cheese, Ayran, and others.

  1. Fruits and berries

If there is a product that should be in the diet of each person, then these are fruits and berries. Each type of fruit contains a considerable amount of vitamins and nutrients from the usual apples (rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals) to exotic avocados (vitamins B5, B6, B9, and E, copper, potassium, and others). With fruits, you can cook salads, casseroles, sauces, and dairy and kefir smoothies. Berries can be eaten as a separate product, or you can prepare delicious sweet desserts with them.

 Nuts and dried fruits

Nuts are a full-energy product that contains many micro-elements and vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E). For example, almonds are a source of biotin, vitamin E, and proteins, which are necessary for a good skin condition. Walnuts Nutrition Facts Dried fruits are not only tasty but also good for health. They contain vitamins A, K, as well as B vitamins. You can add dried fruits to pastries and cereals, to smoothies and milkshakes, as well as to make sweet desserts, with cottage cheese and dried apricots, for example.

  1. Vegetables, mushrooms, and legumes

In compiling this list, we could not ignore either vegetables, mushrooms, or legumes. So, carrots contain some vitamin A. Red bell pepper is a source of vitamins A, C, and lycopene. Beans contain calcium, phosphorus, and B vitamins in some types of mushrooms – vitamin D.

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Melisa Marzett
Melisa Marzett
Melisa Marzett lives healthy and practices positive thinking, let alone meditation and yoga. She is a freelance writer who writes articles for professionally written resumes and travels throughout the world. She is a cat person, a movie enthusiast, an early riser, and taking pictures.

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