Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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What is Gastroptosis?

Gastroptosis – Lowering of the stomach, accompanied by its elongation and hypotension. This pathology can be both congenital, conditioned by constitutional factors, and acquired. In the early stages of Gastroptosis may not manifest itself, and later patients begin to worry about pain after eating (especially in an upright position), with physical exertion and running.

Gastroparesis is often accompanied by the omission of other internal organs, then the associated symptomatology is attached. The main diagnostic method is Gastrography with the introduction of contrast medium, which allows to identify and determine the degree of Gastric emptying. In the treatment of Gastroptosis, the main place is occupied by physiotherapy and physiotherapy Exercises, medications are prescribed only as a symptomatic treatment.

Symptoms of Gastroptosis

  • Mild Gastroptosis may have no Symptoms.
  • More severe cases can cause abdominal bloating, especially after eating a full meal. When the body lies down, the feeling of abdominal bloating will be relieved.
  • Patients may also have irregular abdominal pain, the pain and nature of which often vary.
  • Other Gastrointestinal Symptoms include Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea or Constipation, and sometimes dizziness, palpitations, fatigue and even fainting.


Diagnosis of Gastroptosis mainly relies on a special X-ray Examination, Namely Gastrointestinal dietography. This X-ray examination can show the specific location, size and peristalsis of the stomach.

Home Care

  • Eat small meals frequently, eat more easily digestible protein (eggs, tofu, fish, etc.), and avoid eating foods that are too greasy.
  • You can lie down for a while after a meal. Some patients find that lying on the right side can relieve the feeling of bloating.
  • Regularly strengthen abdominal muscle training activities.

Treatment of Gastroptosis

Symptomatic medications include digestive agents and medications to help the stomach move.

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