Sunday, February 23, 2025

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What is Chlamydia? Symptoms, Treatments & Risk Factors

Chlamydia infection often doesn’t have any symptoms, It is a sexually transmitted disease STD in the USA, and it can be cured easily by antibiotics treatments. Untreated It can lead to severe complications for pregnant women.

What is Chlamydia?

It is defined as small bacterial, three types of chlamydia trachomatis, Suis, Muridarum infection spread through sexual intercourse during the exchange of body fluid and called in the list of sexually transmitted disease (STD), unknowingly passed from one sex partner to another without any symptoms. Particularly in pregnant women carry the untreated Chla mydia symptoms can lead to permanent infertility, complications in the reproductive system and fatal Ectopic pregnancy.

How Chlamydia Transmission?

Chlamydia infection can be easily passed, if you practice sex such as oral, anal, vaginal and someone who carries the chlamydia, there are many chances of it disease if you practice unprotected sex. Nevertheless if you treated it infection in the past, however research shows that 80% of women having active it is have no symptoms while 20 & men have without any Symptoms of Chlamydia.

How to Prevent Chlamydia?

It doesn’t mean if someone doesn’t have chlam ydia symptoms will not pass the infection to other partners, there are some changes if you have symptoms or not chlam ydia will pass to another sex partner.

You are highly recommended to avoid sex practice with multiple sex partners and it can reduce the risk of it by using condom or your partner should be STD negative test results.

Chlamydia Symptoms in Women

  • Bleeding between periods
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Painful menstruation
  • Lower abdominal pain with fever
  • Pain while doing sex
  • Itching, burning in the vagina
  • Pain during urinating

Chlamydia Symptoms in Men

  • Small volume of white discharge from the tip of the pe nis
  • Painful urination
  • Burning and itching inside the pe nis
  • Pain and swelling around the testicles 

How to Diagnose Chlamydia?

If you have practice sex with an unknown partner and feel any symptoms or not, you must visit your health clinic for chlam ydia testing. Doctors can easily diagnose it from different tests by taking the sample of a swab from the urethra in men and in women swab from the cervix and the sample will send to the laboratory to be diagnosed. Other tests for chlamydi a are taking the sample of urination to find the bacteria.

How can Chlamydia be Cured?

If your chlamydia tests are positives then it’s can be easily cured, your doctor will prescribe the oral antibiotics often, levofloxacin, azithromycin, and doxycycline are recommended. Seven days to 15 days oral treatment is required to cure the chla mydia infection. Your doctor also advises to test your sex partner if any STD chlam ydia symptom can be identified and should be cure to minimize the further risk of chlam ydia.

What happens if chlamydia goes untreated?

If you prolong or not treat the it infection then you’re at the risk of several health problems, particularly in women if it is not treated will cause serious health issues like pelvic inflammatory diseases. This disease can easily damage the fallopian tube or permanent infertility to not birth baby or pregnant anymore.

If women not treated chlamydia what happens is a serious question because another risk of ectopic pregnancy in medical term, it means female will fertilize the eggs implant outer side the uterus and early birth of the baby also. There are also possibilities to pass the chlamydia infection to the newborn baby will cause eye infections and blindness. 

In men if chlamydia is not treated can lead to nongonococcal urethritis also abbreviated (NGU), it may cause the infection in the urethra in urination tube where male pass the urine, another infection is medically called epididymitis, inflammation of rectum in simple words bacterial infection in the tube which carries the sperm and suck from testes to through away.

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