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What Are the Main Causes of Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain occurs around your spinal cord closer to the buttocks. Many people across the globe suffer from back pain. According to research, back pain can occur in adults and children, but it is more prevalent in adults. Causes of Lower Back Pain by spinal problems which are caused by infections and injuries. Injuries Result from Accidents while infections occur from diseases such as arthritis and diabetes.

It is vital to seek medical attention since when back pain is not treated, it may develop into chronic back pain. Livingston Samwell Institute for Pain Management has the best doctors you can consult for back pain treatment.

The Major Causes of Lower Back Pain

There are several causes of back pain, and most of them result from accidents and injuries that bring about spinal problems. People working from factories, industries, and warehouses are likely to suffer from spinal problems since they pressure their spines more during working time. On the other hand, if you are working in an office, spending more time seated, you are likely to suffer from back pain. Causes of back pain include:  

1 Herniated spinal disks

Your spinal disks are joined together by sockets and held by tissue. When you get injured, some of your spinal disks may pop out of their sockets, causing herniated disks. Herniated disks increase pressure when you move or sleep, causing back pain. These spinal bones rub the soft tissues and nerves, resulting in pain.

2 Fractures

Fractures are very prevalent after an accident. One of the causes of lower back pain is spinal fractures. According to research, when spinal bones get fractured, they develop pain due to the tear of tissues and nerves. Open spinal fractures can lead to paralysis and severe pain, while closed fracture results in little pain and discomfort.

3 Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that affects jointly parts of the body. Osteoarthritis is known to cause back pain. Arthritis causes the narrowing of spinal spaces resulting in spinal stenosis.

However, there are some factors that lead to the occurrence of lower back pain. Below are some of the elements. Injuries Result from Accidents while infections occur from diseases such as arthritis and diabetes. However, lower back pain can also occur after you wake up from sleep or sit in the office for a whole day. In this case, you can do stretches and techniques to crack your lower back pain safely.

The Risk Factors That Lead to Back Pain

  • Age. According to research, many tissues and ligaments wear and tear as you age. Spinal tissues and nerves may wear out, causing pain when rubbed
  • Obesity. An increase in body weight increases the pressure in your spinal cord. More stress in your spinal cord causes back pain.
  • Diseases. Disease such as diabetes affects your nerves and other neural components. Infected nerves become inflamed, causing pain when stretched.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnancy adds more weight which increases pressure on your bones. Stressed spinal bones cause back pain.

Back pain can cause other body issues like bones weakness, stiffness, and numbness. Treating and managing back pain before it severely progresses is the best thing you can do. Samwell Institute for Pain Management is a health center you can consult for the treatment of back pain.

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