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Treatment For Parkinson’s disease – Explained By Best Neurosurgeon In Andhra Pradesh

Parkinson’s illness has no known cure. Medications and other treatments, on the other hand, may be able to alleviate some of your symptoms. Exercise can considerably reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language therapy can also help with walking and balance issues, eating and swallowing difficulties, and communication difficulties. For some people, surgery is an option. 

In this article, Dr Mohana Rao who is one of the best neurosurgeon in Andhra Pradesh will discuss the common surgical treatment methods that can be used to treat this issue. Along with that we will also take a look at some of the pointers that can assist in retaining the balance.

What surgical treatments are available for Parkinson’s disease? 

Medications can help most Parkinson’s disease patients retain a good quality of life. However, as the condition progresses, some treatments may become ineffective. The effectiveness of drugs in these people becomes unpredictable, lowering symptoms during “on” moments but failing to control symptoms during “off” periods, which commonly occur as the medication wears off and shortly before the next dose is to be given.

Changes in medicine might sometimes help to regulate these variances. However, there are situations when they are unable to do so. Your neurosurgeon may discuss surgical alternatives with you based on the kind and severity of your symptoms, the failure of medication changes, the reduction in your quality of life, and your overall health. 

Following are the common surgical treatment methods that are currently available at Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Andhra Pradesh, India-

  • Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) entails the placement of electrodes in the brain that transmit electrical impulses that block or alter the aberrant activity that causes symptoms. Most key movement symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, including as tremor, slowness of movement (bradykinesia), and stiffness, can be treated with DBS (rigidity).
  • Memory, hallucinations, sadness, and other non-movement symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are not improved by it. Only individuals who are unable to control their symptoms despite drug trials and who fulfill additional stringent requirements may be considered for DBS. If this is the proper treatment for you, your doctor will discuss it with you. 
  • A feeding tube is surgically implanted into the small intestine for carbidopa-levodopa infusion. This tube contains a gel form of the drug carbidopa-levodopa (Duopa®). This method of continuous medication infusion maintains a consistent dosage in the body. Patients who have had a mixed response to the oral form of carbidopa-levodopa but still benefit from the combo therapy can benefit from this. 
  • Pallidotomy is the surgical removal of a tiny area of the brain that governs movement (the globus pallidus). Involuntary movements (dyskinesias), muscle rigidity, and tremor can all be reduced with pallidotomy. 
  • Thalamotomy is the surgical removal of a tiny portion of the thalamus. This could benefit a limited proportion of people with severe arm or hand tremors. 

What are some pointers to assist me retain my balance?

Following are some of the pointers that can assist in retaining the balance as stated by best neurosurgeon in Andhra Pradesh-   

  • At all times, keep at least one hand free. Instead of carrying stuff in your hands, try utilizing a backpack or fanny pack. When walking, never carry anything in both hands since this will cause you to lose your balance. 
  • While walking, try swinging both arms from front to back. If your movement has been hampered by Parkinson’s disease, this may need deliberate effort. It will, however, aid in the maintenance of balance and posture, as well as the prevention of falls. 
  • When walking, elevate your feet off the ground consciously. Losing your balance is frequently caused by shuffling and dragging of the feet. 
  • Instead of pivoting sharply, utilize a “U” approach of facing ahead and making a broad turn when navigating turns. 
  • Standing with your feet shoulder-length apart is ideal. When your feet are close together for an extended period of time, you’re more likely to lose your balance and fall. 
  • Take it one step at a time. Don’t try to walk while doing something else, like reading or looking about. The loss of automatic reflexes makes motor function more difficult, therefore the less distraction you have, the better. 
  • Wearing rubber or gripping soled shoes might cause stumbling if they “grab” on the floor. 
  • When changing positions, take it carefully. Make slow, deliberate movements and, if necessary, utilize a grasp bar or a walking assistance. Between each movement, count 15 seconds. When standing from a seated posture, for example, wait 15 seconds before starting to walk. 
  • If you become “frozen,” imagine stepping over an imaginary obstacle or having someone stand in front of you to step over it. Avoid having a caregiver or family member “pull” you because this may throw you off balance and prolong the episode. 
  • If you have trouble keeping your balance, you might want to consider using a walking device like a cane, walking stick, or walker. You might be ready to try walking on your own again if you’ve mastered walking with assistance.
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