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Top Eight Foods To Eat & To Avoid in Candida Diet

You may have already heard of the Candida diet. There is a huge possibility that you are here because you want to equip yourself with the right knowledge about it.

This diet is to help improve the health of your gut. But, more specifically, this targets and resolves Candida Overgrowth.

You surely already know this, which is why you want to try this regimen. So, what foods should you eat more and start to avoid, then?

Before proceeding to the details, though, keep in mind Candida overgrowth impacts your gut health, as well as your holistic health. Whatever underlying reasons you may have, this post may help you out.

Foods You Should Eat

Here are the top eight foods you should focus more on during the diet for Candida overgrowth. While there are several more, you may want to start your plan with these ones first:

Healthy Protein

Focus more on plant-based Protein. Some examples are chickpeas, lentils, tofu, and tempeh.

The reason behind this is that they are rich in fiber and low in saturated fats, unlike animal-based proteins. As you may know Healthy Protein, good bacteria feed on fibers, allowing the gut flora to improve.

Fresh Fruits

You should also incorporate fresh fruits into this specific diet. But, be sure to munch those that are low in sugar.

It is worth noting that Candida loves sweets and sugar the most. They survive on nothing except sweets.

Some of the best fruits to consume are strawberries, blackberries, and peaches.

High-Quality, Healthy Oils

Using and eating high-quality oils can also eliminate yeast overgrowth. Accordingly, you must utilize only those that are unrefined and cold-pressed.

These are olive oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, and fish oil.

Low-Mold Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds are great options to add to your diet to treat Candida overgrowth. They are very nutritious and beneficial to your body.

Also, considering that you are reducing the number of carbs that you are consuming, nuts and seeds are best for boosting your calorie intake. But, be careful not to munch on those that are high in mold as they can add to the fungal spores in your gut that contribute to the growth of Candida.

Herbs & Spices

In this diet, you do not only target the yeast overgrowth. But, you are also intending to mind what you eat. This is why herbs and spices are great additions.

Primarily, they add and bring out flavor to your chosen foods. Secondly, they are natural and offer health benefits to your body.

Low-Lactose Dairy

If you are including dairy in your diet, you should choose those that are low in lactose. This is because lactose-containing dairy goods are the source of galactose.

Galactose is a type of sugar that is present in dairy products, and it is a promoter of Candida adhesion to cells.

Gluten-Free Whole Grains

While gluten does not directly impact Candida, it has links to the health of your gut. Studies show that foods with gluten, like bread and cereal, may cause inflammation in the GI tract. This is why those who have intestinal issues are not recommended to consume foods that come with gluten.

Include quinoa and buckwheat in your diet for your whole grain sources.

Complex Carbohydrates

Although gluten-free whole grains are beneficial for some, others may not handle consuming them. If you are one of the individuals who experience bloating, stomach pain, and other issues when eating whole grains, you may want to focus on other complex carbs.

These include barley, oats, Kamut, brown rice, and millet.

Foods You Should Avoid

Here are the eight foods you should refrain from eating to treat Candida overgrowth. Apart from resolving the issue, avoiding these will also help you improve your gut health:

  • Yeast

Candida is a type of yeast. So, if you have Candida overgrowth, eating yeast will just contribute to the overall concern. Accordingly, you must avoid yeast and foods that have yeast.

  • Sugar

As noted, Candida loves sugar. They survive without anything but, they multiply and thrive further with sweets.

Therefore, sugar is a big no-no in the Candida cleanse and diet.

  • Mushroom

Mushrooms are fungi, and they may contribute, as well, to the underlying yeast overgrowth. Hence, you should avoid consuming them when you are treating this concern.

Keep in mind, though, that mushrooms have health benefits. But, if you are resolving gut issues, especially yeast overgrowth, stay away from them during this period.

  • Alcoholic Drinks

Alcoholic drinks have a direct relationship with your blood sugar levels. When you drink too much, this may lead to a temporary drop. Meanwhile, drinking moderate amounts may cause a spike in your blood sugar.

Destabilizing your blood sugar is always not good when you are living with yeast or Candida overgrowth.

  • Processed Meats & Toxic Fish

Although meats are acceptable in this diet, you should opt for those that are organic and healthy, like chicken and turkey. As for red meats, try to eat them in moderation.

But, as for processed meats, stay away from them as you follow your diet. This is because they have tons of sugar, and cause inflammation.

  • Glutenous Grains

There are still several debates and discussions about the impacts of gluten on one’s health. But, more and more studies are finding out that glutinous grains have links to having a leaky gut. So, it is best to avoid them, particularly when you have Candida overgrowth.

  • Starchy Vegetables

Starchy vegetables provide benefits to your health. They are good sources of carbs, as well.

However, the main problem with starch is that they break down into sugars once eaten. You do not want sugar in your system as Candida feeds on it. Instead, focus on green leafy veggies.

  • Refined & White Carbohydrates

Refined and white carbs are found to have direct links to Candida overgrowth. Although studies remain inconclusive, experts advise individuals with this concern and other gut issues to avoid eating white-flour-based foods. These include baked goods, pastries, pasta, bread, and white rice.

Start Your Candida Diet Now

The Candida diet, just like any other diet plan and regimen, is also challenging. It may even be daunting for some. But, following which foods to eat and avoid will help you achieve your goal.

These are only some of the many pointers when it comes to this diet. Nevertheless, this will help you go a long way.

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