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Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy After 35 – Before & During Pregnancy

At present, medical care and equipment are comprehensive. Most babies born to pregnant women in their 40s and 40s are also very healthy. However, they may still bear more risks than pregnant women of the best childbearing age between 20 and 34. Therefore, pregnant women over the age of Pregnancy After 35 may need some special protective measures.

Pregnancy After 35

To ensure health during pregnancy, older women should observe the following basic Pregnancy After 35 rules:

  1. Early regular antenatal care checks are best started before pregnancy. Amniotic fluid diagnosis, ultrasound, chorionic hair sampling, and maternal serum examination can be used to check for defects that may occur at birth.
  2. Develop healthy eating habits before and during pregnancy, and have an appropriate weight and height before pregnancy. You can ask the doctor to recommend some healthy diet menus to you.
  3. Ingest 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) of folic acid every day, and most compound vitamins contain this amount. Folic acid is suitable for women of any age who are pregnant, but it is particularly important for expectant mothers over 35 years of age, because folic acid can help prevent babies from being born with defects. In addition to supplements, you can also eat foods rich in folic acid such as lettuce and other green leafy vegetables, dried beans, orange and malt.
  4. Do not smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy. Avoid taking any medicine without the consent of your doctor.

Pregnancy After 35, Trend Health

Before Pregnancy

  • Get an assumption checkup. This is a medical checkup to help compose sure you’re healthy before you become pregnant. At your checkup, talk to your provider regarding your family health history, vaccinations you require, and the medicines you use. Your family fitness history is a history of any health conditions and treatments that you, your spouse, and everyone in your children have had. It helps your provider spot any wellness conditions that run in your relationship that may affect your pregnancy. Vaccinations can help preserve you from certain diseases.
  • Get medication for any health conditions you have, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression. Create sure your provider understands about any medicine you take for these conditions. You may require to change to a medicine that’s safer during pregnancy. 
  • Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid each day. Folic acid is a vitamin that each cell in your body needs for normal growth and maturation. Using folic acid before and during early pregnancy can help stop birth defects in your baby’s brain and spine called neural tube deficits and birth defects in your baby’s opening called cleft lip and cleft tongue.
  • Get to a healthy weight. You’re also likely to have health problems throughout pregnancy if you’re overweight (weigh too much) or underweight (weigh too little). To grow to a healthy weight before you become pregnant, eat healthy foods, and do something active every day. 
  • Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, use street medications, or abuse prescr iption drugs. Tell your Doctor if you need advice to quit.
  • Protect yourself from risky chemicals at home or work. Using some chemicals, like cleaning products and paint, may improve your chances of having a baby with a birth defect. 
  • Reduce your stress. Your provider can help you find methods to reduce stress so it doesn’t influence your Pregnancy After 35.

During Pregnancy

  • Go to all of your prenatal attention checkups, even if you’re feeling excellent. Getting routine prenatal care lets your provider examine you and your growing baby. Go for your first prenatal care appointment as soon as you know you’re pregnant. Talk to your provider about prenatal inquiries you may want to have and vaccinations you need. Some vaccinations, like the flu report, are safe for you to get through Pregnancy After 35. 
  • Keep up with the procedure for any health requirements you have. Make sure your provider understands about any medicine you take for these situations. You may need to change to a medicine that’s more reliable for your baby during pregnancy. 
  • Gain the right amount of weight. The measure of weight to increase during pregnancy depends on how many you weigh before pregnancy. Talk to your provider concerning how much weight you should increase. Eat healthy foods, take your prenatal vitamin, and do something productive each day. 
  • Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, use street medicines, or abuse presc ription drugs. Talk to your Doctor if you need guidance to quit.
  • Protect yourself from drugs at home or activity that may be dangerous to your baby and decrease your stress.
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