Sunday, February 23, 2025

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Symptoms of Diabetes and FACTS about Diabetes

What are some interesting facts about diabetes?

There are three types of diabetes; type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes was previously known as juvenile diabetes as it is mostly diagnosed in young adults and people below the age of 40. Type 2 diabetes was previously known as adult-onset diabetes and can develop in both genders and at any age. Gestational diabetes develops in pregnant women.

All types of diabetes develop in the body because either the pancreas stops producing insulin or the cells in the body. That shows insulin resistance, which results in the storage of glucose in the bloodstream instead of it being used up as energy. Some types of diabetes are more predominant than others.

All types of diabetes have almost the same symptoms. However, in the initial stages, these symptoms are clear in some people while the others may remain oblivious about their condition as the symptoms in them are close to none.

Getting basic knowledge about diabetes is essential for everyone these days as it is estimated that either diabetes or pre-diabetes afflict nearly half of the American nation. This will help people to learn the methods with which diabetes can be prevented and also controlled.

  • Here we share information about diabetes through some FACTS
  • One-third of people that have diabetes do not know that they have the disease
  • 95% people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes mostly goes unnoticed because often it does not have any symptoms
  • 5% people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes
  • If you are a pre-diabetic, you can prevent having diabetes by losing the extra weight and involving yourself in physical exertion
  • People with diabetes can eat the same food a non-diabetic eats and still control their diabetes
  • Diabetes is an evolving epidemic
  • The most likely people to die due to heart disease are diabetics
  • The most likely people to die due to cancer are diabetics
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults of the working-age
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of amputation
  • It is estimated that by the year 2030 diabetes will become the 7th leading cause of death
  • Diabetes killed 1.5 million people in the year 2012
  • Low and middle-income countries account for 80% diabetic deaths
  • Type 2 diabetes can be prevented
  • Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented

Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes, Trend Health

Do you have signs of diabetes? Diabetes is a lifelong chronic condition and can be life-threatening if not controlled in time. People need to know about the signs of diabetes because if it is diagnosed in its initial stage, which is also known as pre-diabetes, it can be stopped. A timely diagnosis Symptoms of Diabetes can also help a person to control it in the best way possible and avoid any further complications.

Depending on its type, diabetes has a different effect on different people. That is why some people show clear signs of diabetes, while others may show little or no signs of diabetes. Studies indicate that many people that have diabetes remain unaware of their condition for years because they confuse the symptoms of diabetes with common day to day sickness.

Diabetes can be controlled and even reversed in some cases. If a person knows these common signs of diabetes, takes them seriously, and gets a timely medical diagnosis from a doctor.

The common Symptoms of Diabetes include:

Excessive Thirst

The most common symptoms of diabetes are extreme thirst. So if you are feeling thirsty, especially minutes after drinking lots of water and this feeling has been the same for days. Visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Excessive Hunger

Feeling hungry most of the time, even after having a proper meal is also one of the signs of diabetes. So if you feel hungry and the feeling is abnormal since quite a few days visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Dry Mouth

Having a dry mouth is one of the signs of diabetes. So if your mouth is running dry and it has been a persistent thing visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Dry Skin

Having dry and flaky skin is one of the most common signs of diabetes. If you have dry skin and the problem is prolonging visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Urinating Excessively

Passing the urine most of the time is a common sign of diabetes. So if you pee a lot, especially at night even after not drinking anything at all before going to bed visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Extreme Exhaustion

Feelings of fatigue are one of the most common signs of diabetes. So if you feel physically or mentally time even though you have not done anything special during the day and the feeling is prevailing for days. Visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Unexplained Weight Loss

Loss of weight is one of the common signs of diabetes. So if you are losing weight without trying and no matter how much you eat, it’s not helping visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Blurred Eyesight

A blurred vision if a common sign of diabetes. If you get a blurred vision in at various times during the day and this is a prevalent problem, visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.


Having headaches most of the times during the week is one of the common signs of diabetes. So if you have a determined problem with headaches and nothing you do has helped visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

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