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Kidney stones: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

What are the first signs of kidney stones?

Kidney stones are 10 times as common now as at the turn of the twentieth century. This parallels the dramatic increase in the consumption of animal proteins and with it the rise in heart disease, gallstones, high blood pressure, and diabetes associated with the standard North American diet. More than 10% of males and 5% of females experience kidney stones during their lifetime.

Kidney stones are usually composed of calcium oxalic acid. Less commonly, stones are made of uric acid and other mixed minerals and amino acids. Determining the type of stone and its cause leads to a better-designed prevention program.

kidney stones, Trend Health

Preventing Kidney stones

Most kidney stones are preventable. Once you have a stone, no diet or supplement can reverse the problem, but there are still ways to prevent the problem from worsening and reoccurring.

Studies indicate that diet and nutritional supplement therapy can reduce acute attacks of kidney stone pain. It can cause excruciating pain if they become lodged in the passage leading from each kidney to the bladder. Although the pain overrides all other symptoms, usually urinary problems also exist. There is a repeated urging to urinate, and urine may contain sediment or blood.

When minerals collect in the kidneys and crystallize, stones develop. This is more likely to occur if the urine is highly concentrated since it contains more substances capable of forming. They are drinking too little fluid forces the kidneys to work harder and leads to more concentrated urine.

Drinking plenty of fluids is an essential course of action to prevent kidney stones. A diet high in animal protein can also increase urine concentration. Studies show that vegetarians are less likely to suffer from kidney stones. It is also important to remember that any infections which interfere with the flow of fluids (such as a urinary tract infection) will increase susceptibility to recurring stones.

How common are kidney stones?

Although there is a connection between calcium and stones, eating high- calcium foods do not always cause stones. There are even times when calcium helps prevent them. What makes the difference between a calcium-friendly foods that cause kidney stones and one that is not is how well the body absorbs the calcium.

If calcium absorption from the diet is adequate, then the body does not need to dissolve calcium in the bone, which then raises the calcium level in the blood. When this blood gets filtered through the kidneys, calcium deposits form.

Kidney stones are liable to reoccur if steps are not taken to improve your diet. Certain minerals and herbs can improve kidney functions and subsequently lower the chances of future reoccurrences of It. The mineral magnesium is very effective at protecting the kidneys from calcium deposits. Many different herbs are used for strengthening and protecting the kidneys. Many of these herbs are present in our kidney cleanse (for a complete list of helpful herbs visit our kidney cleanse page).

People suffering from kidney stones and those wishing to prevent them can benefit from a slice of high-fiber, low meat, and high vegetable diet. Overeating meat produces metabolic by-products of animal proteins such as uric acid and oxalic acid, both of which are involved in kidney stone formation.

Red meat, in particular, is very high in phosphorous and causes the body to excrete more calcium into the urine. This is why people with low meat, high vegetable diets have a forty to sixty percent less chance of forming kidney stones, compared to people who have high meat diets. Innercleanse’s colon and kidney cleanses are very effective in promoting the overall health of the kidneys.

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