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Infertility Problems in Men and Women!

What are the infertility problems in men and women? To understand this, one needs first to start to understand what infertility is. In general, infertility can be deemed as the inability to conceive after have one year or more of sex that is unprotected.

Are Infertility Problems Common?

It would appear so. In America, for example, about 6% of married women in the ages of 15 to 44 are not able to get pregnant, in spite of trying for a whole year. Also, again in America, irrespective of their marital status (impaired fecundity), around 12% of the women in the age group of 15 to 44, find it difficult to carry a pregnancy to term or to get pregnant.

Are Infertility Problems Just Related To Women?

No, they are not. Women, as well as men, can be the cause of infertility. There are so many couples all over the globe who struggle with the problem of infertility. But, infertility is commonly thought of as being a problem related to a woman. But, it has been studied that in as many as 35% of the couples who have a problem with infertility, along with the female factor responsible for infertility, a malefactor has also been identified. The sole cause for infertility problems in as many as 8% of couples dealing with the issue of infertility is the malefactor. 

In America, about 9% of the men between the ages of 25 and 44 claimed that their partner or they consulted a physician for treatment, testing, or advice, with regards to infertility – in their lifetime! 

What Are The Causes Of Infertility In Men?

There are many reasons why men can be infertile, and these are:

  • Smoking.
  • Use of illicit drugs.
  • Cancer treatment involves surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. 
  • You are drinking too much alcohol.
  • You are using anabolic steroids.
  • Genetic disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Trauma to the testes.
  • Hormonal disorders. 
  • Use of certain kinds of supplements and medicines.
  • Varicoceles, where the veins on the testicles of a man are large and because of this, they overheat. This heat can affect the shape of the sperm and the number of sperm.

What Increases The Risk Of A Man Becoming Infertile?

Some things can increase the risk of a man becoming infertile, and these are:

  • Obesity.
  • You are using marijuana.
  • Smoking.
  • Age.
  • Radiation exposure. 
  • Exposure to medicines such as spironolactone, cimetidine, flutamide, bicalutamide, ketoconazole and cyproterone.
  • Testosterone exposure. This takes place when a man takes testosterone or some similar kind of medication illegally, to increase his muscle mass or when a doctor prescribes testosterone topical gel, implants or injections, for low testosterone.
  • You are consuming way too much alcohol.
  • Exposure to toxins in the environment, including such as cadmium, pesticides, mercury, or lead. 
  • The testes are exposed to constant high temperatures, such as that of the frequent use of the hot tub or sauna or because of being in a wheelchair all the time or most of the time. 

What Are The Female Infertility Causes?   

Women can be infertile due to various reasons, such as:

  • Abnormal uterine contour 
  • Fallopian tube obstruction
  • Disruption of ovarian function

What Can Increase The Risk Of A Woman Becoming Infertile?

Certain factors can increase the risk of a woman becoming infertile, and these are:

  • Extreme weight loss or weight gain.
  • Too much alcohol consumption.
  • Smoking.
  • Too much emotional or physical stress gives rise to amenorrhea (absent periods).
  • Age.
How Long To Wait To Get Pregnant Before Seeing A Physician?

If a woman is less than the age of 35, the wait should be at least for a year. But if the woman is over the age of 35, after 6 months of trying and being unsuccessful in being able to conceive, the couple should see a doctor. After a woman goes past the age of 30, with every passing year, the chances of a woman getting a baby start to decline very fast!

Infertility Problems Info graphic, trend Health

Health Problems Also Increase the Risk of Getting Infertile

There are also some health problems which increase the risks of men and women suffering from infertility problems, and these are:

  • Endometriosis.
  • More than one miscarriage.
  • No menstrual periods or irregular periods.
  • Suspected male factor (i.e., hernia surgery, history of testicular trauma, infertility with another partner or chemotherapy).
  • Periods that is very painful.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease.
How Can A Doctor Determine If A Man Or Woman Has Infertility Problems?

The doctor will start by collecting the sexual history, as well as the medical history of both the woman and the man. The initial evaluation to detect infertility problems will be inclusive of ovarian reserve testing, a tubal evaluation, and semen analysis.


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