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How to Prepare for Surgery?

Surgeries are usually considered when the medical treatment fails, or when the surgical route is the only available option. Whereas some people need to be rushed to the operation theatre, but a large number of people undergo scheduled Before Surgery.

Preparing for Surgery

It is natural to feel apprehensive about the upcoming surgery. There are always risks involved as with any treatment. 

However, you can take steps to ease the process, and make your prognosis better. Planning well before Surgeries can also help with the recovery as well.

Weeks Before Surgery?

Ask your doctor

You might feel hesitant to ask your doctor, perceiving the questions to be a source of nagging. However, it is suggested that you get answers for all the queries from your General Surgeon in Lahore; from the banal questions to the more specific ones, ask them away.

Also, you should talk to the anthologist as well, as they play just as a crucial role in your surgery as the surgeon does. Before the surgery, you should know the time for surgery, the post-op time, complete healing time etc. so that you can manage your affairs accordingly.

Eat better

Eating a Healthy diet is always good for your health, but it is especially important before you go into surgery. Be sure to take plenty of fruits and vegetables days before the surgery, as they are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. These help in the healing and recovery after the operation as well.

Moreover, certain foods like processed meals, red meat, sugar, also pose the danger of inflammation in the body. Inflammation just before surgery is not optimal for health.

Also, as fruits and vegetables also lower inflammation in the body, their benefit is two pronged.


If you already are not exercising regularly, you should at least start some time before your Surgeries. Exercise helps patients in the post-op period. Those who remain active have an easier time walking after the surgery as well.

However, you do not have to camp at the gym to reap benefits of exercise. Something as simple as walking is beneficial. Try to remain less sedentary, and creep in activity with everything; take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther than you normal would so you can walk the distance etc.

This way, exercise will not feel like a chore to you, and your body will thank you after surgery.

No smoking or drinking

Ideally, you should not be partaking in smoking and drinking anyways, since the impact of these habits on your wellbeing is rather grave.

However, you should especially refrain from these habits before surgery. These substances have a dire impact on the health, therefore, impede in recovery. Since, the body is already vulnerable after Surgeries, these harmful habits exacerbate the condition.

Moreover, smoking and drinking also affect sleep and anxiety levels in the body. This in turn, affect the anesthesia. Smoking also impairs breathing, and thus impedes the recovery from the surgery.

Therefore, abandon these habits before surgery.

Talk to your General Physician

Your primary physician needs to know that you are undergoing surgery in the near future. The doctor can then adjust the medications accordingly. Your GP might also help you monitor and control your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, that can make your recovery better.

Prescription Checkup

You should clear with your doctor about the medicines that you are taking, and whether they can interfere with the surgery. For example, some patients take blood thinners, but that can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.

Likewise, some vitamins and supplements can also interfere with the drugs that you may have to take for Surgeries. Thus, get clearance from your doctor with regards to your prescription.

What should I do Before Surgery?

Just before the surgery, some precise steps need to be carried out.

No food

In few hours before surgery, patients who are getting general anesthesia should not eat or drink anything. Some patients may also be administered enema, a laxative, so that the bowels are empty during surgery.

Dressing Properly

Your attire for hospital stay for Surgeries should be loose and comfortable. This will make it easier for you to shift into your clothes easily after surgery. Tight clothing will also make contact with the incision and can also pain.

Accessories and makeup

You might feel better after putting on makeup, but when you go the hospital for surgery, its best that you do not use it. Moreover, take off your nail polish as well; nails changing color has implications for your health, and nail polish might interfere with this important indicator then.

Also, leave your jewelry and accessories at home, lest they be lost. Especially take off the rings, as your body can swell after or during the procedure, and the ring can thus get stuck. Rather than having it cut off of your fingers, leave it at a safe place in your home.

Inform the staff

If you have any prosthetic or other metal devices like pacemaker, inform the medical staff about it. They should also be aware of any specific ailments, so that they are aware of your medical history in its entirety.

In case you have had an allergic reaction to anesthesia before, it is imperative that you inform your General Surgeon in Karachi, as the course of the surgery will be decided accordingly then. Surgery can be daunting but following on the expert advice and council from your doctor can help streamline the process.

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