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How to Lose Weight Fast? 5 Simple Steps to Lose Weight

Losing weight can take time, effort and also lots of mental resilience. However, How to Lose Weight Fast? there are ways to make it easier – here are some tips below. 

Eat Breakfast

While you might be tempted to skip breakfast to save time or cut calories, eating a satisfying breakfast could help curb hunger, lowering your chances of overeating during lunch and keeping you from snacking throughout the day.

According to a study conducted by a team of researchers from Tel Aviv University found that people who ate a breakfast containing 600 calories with a lighter evening and lunch meal lost about 40 lbs. more than people who started off their day with a 300 calories breakfast.

If you are trying to lose weight Fast, eating heavy at breakfast, light at lunch and small servings during dinner can help you achieve your goals. According to some studies, metabolism is generally more effective in the morning, which means a hearty breakfast can help kick-start your metabolism and make sure your body continues to burn calories throughout the day.

At the same time, eating a satisfying breakfast can also help keep your body from entering into a state of starvation while ensuring it doesn’t store any of the food you eat during the course of the day.

Eat Your Food Slowly

Instead of focusing on how much food you’re eating, start concentrating on how fast you down your food servings. According to specialists, it takes about twenty minutes for the average adult to start feeling full. As such, if you eat your food much slower, you should start feeling full in spite of eating a smaller food portion.

There are a few simple tricks like chewing more thoroughly that can help you reduce the rate at which you down your food. Apart from taking up more time between bites, Chewing slowly also helps make it easier for your digestive system to break down more of the food you eat before it enters the stomach.

Putting your food or fork down in-between bites is another trick you could use to slow your pace down when eating. If you are like most people, chances are you shovel food into your mouth at a rate that’s too fast for your digestive system.

According to research information featured in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who chew their food at least 40 times per mouthful ate nearly 12% fewer calories than people who chewed 15 times. That goes to show that taking your time when chewing food can have significant benefits to your health.

Be Mindful of What You Eat

Apart from taking your time when eating, also remember to put some thought into what you eat as that could help you eat lesser food while enabling you to enjoy your meal even more. According to one study featured in the British Journal of Nutrition, distracted eating can lead to you ignoring your body’s signs of fullness; so, instead of eating while watching TV, try to focus on your food until you are done eating.

The thing about distracted eating is that you’ll likely eat more food and still feel unsatisfied as you are not paying attention to how much and what you are consuming.

Eating while watching TV or at your work desk isn’t advised. Instead, make every mealtime an occasion and do your best to enjoy and appreciate each meal you eat.

Avoid Unnecessary Extras

Instead of cutting down on the food you eat to lose some extra pounds, consider cutting back on the extras that you barely notice you are eating. While most people think they’ve eaten a balanced meal, what they don’t know is that it’s the things they eat in between that pile up the pounds.

When eating out, snacks and meals are often cooked with or may include fattening ingredients that make it harder for them to lose weight. Follow the AI weight loss diet for effective results.

Fortunately, there are things you could do that could help even things out. For instance, replacing sugary and oily salad dressings with something like balsamic vinegar could considerably cut the number of calories you consume. Where possible, avoid eating calorie-rich sauces and dips; instead, go for smaller portions of tomato salsa.

Cooking oil can also add a few extra calories to your meals even though it doesn’t add much to the taste. Investing in a low-calorie spray, or a non-stick pan can help cut down on these calories.

Eat More Often

And while this might sound counter-productive, consuming five small meals a day, instead of three large ones, could actually make it easier for you to lose weight. That’s mainly because eating frequently through the course of a day not only helps keep hunger at bay, it also helps ensure your metabolism continues burning and your energy levels stay at a healthy level.

This helps ensure you don’t overindulge or reach for high-sugar, easy-energy foods that satisfy your energy levels and cravings.

Consuming several, albeit smaller portions of food throughout the course of the day will encourage your body to burn more calories ensuring that the food you eat is effectively digested and is well utilized by the body. The good thing about this option is that you don’t even have to take on a diet, all you need to do is break your normal eating pattern and eat more frequently.

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