Thursday, March 13, 2025

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How to Cure Hernia with Most Advanced Procedure

Do you know simply lifting something How to Cure Hernia? Even though hernia is considered not to be a life-threatening disorder, it can cause serious complications in the person suffering from it.

A hernia is a protrusion of the abdominal wall due to collection of tissue, fat, or bowel near the weakened abdominal muscle. Symptoms may include shooting pain in the area, discomfort and acid reflux.

What Causes of hernia?

Hernias result due to excess strain and pressure applied to the weakened abdominal wall. Common causes of hernia are listed below

  • Prolonged issue of constipation
  • Due to congenital effect where the abdominal wall fails to close properly in the womb.
  • During pregnancy
  • Adapting unhealthy lifestyle habits
  • Co-morbidities like acid reflux, COPD, obesity, diabetes, asthma, and postnasal drips.

How to Cure Hernia with the most advanced procedure?

Hernia repair or surgery is carried out based on the degree and size of the bulging. Hernia repair surgery involves returning the displaced tissues to their proper position. There are various surgical options available for treating hernia which involves, open surgery, mesh repair, reconstructive surgery and laparoscopic surgery. The most advanced treatment for a hernia is laparoscopic surgery.

Treatment of hernia with Laparoscopic surgery

A laparoscopic technique for the treatment of hernia is the most advanced and preferred treatment. The procedure is increasingly popular in treating both types of hernias like primary hernias and recurrent hernias. Laparoscopic/laser surgery represents the future for the treatment of hernias. Here we will discuss types of most advanced laser surgery treatment for hernia.

Types of Laparoscopic surgery performed to treat Hernia.

Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair with (TEP)/TAPP

Tran’s abdominal preperitoneal procedure (TAPP) is a type of laser surgery that involves making a peritoneal incision over possible hernia sites. Once the surgeon has access to the internal peritoneal cavity, the surgeon will repair the hernia and reinforce it by placing a mesh.

The totally extraperitoneal (TEP) – In this type of laser procedure the peritoneal cavity is not invaded, and the surgeon may place the mesh outside the peritoneum to seal and repair and Cure Hernia. TEP method is mostly considered over TAPP due to fewer complications which may arise from invading the intraperitoneal mesh.

Laparoscopic Ventral/Incisional hernia repair (IPOM)

The major operative steps of laparoscopic repair of ventral incisional hernia include

  1. Approach to the peritoneal cavity- The surgeon inserts catheters or trocars inside the abdomen to assess the peritoneal cavity.
  2. Making space into the peritoneal cavity – In this procedure, the surgeon reduces the incarcerated or strangulated organs by pulling them into the abdominal cavity using endoscopic instruments. Having adequate space to place the mesh is the most important step in surgery.
  3. Adhesiolysis- In this procedure, the organs attached to the abdominal wall are separated or dissected using blunt dissection,  hot-scissor dissection, cold-scissor dissection, bipolar cautery dissection, and ultrasonic dissection.
  4. Hernia repair –Hernia is repaired using two techniques
  • The primary closure technique – Where the defects in the abdominal wall are sutured by applying mesh to the suture site.
  • The bridging technique: Where the mesh is simply placed between the defects. This is usually carried out in cases where primary suturing technique is not possible due to the large size of the defect.

Laparoscopic fundoplication for Hiatus Hernia

This type of laparoscopic surgery involves making tiny incisions on the abdomen near hernia sites. After which, a thin tube laparoscope with a light and camera fixed at its top is inserted to repair the hernia. The surgery is carried out to correct the gastroesophageal reflux disease in a patient.

In the procedure, the surgeon wraps a part of the stomach to the oesophagus to stop reflux. The surgeon also tightens the opening of the stomach to prevent any future recurrence of Cure Hernia.

Laparoscopic diaphragmatic hernia repair

This type of Laparoscopic surgery involves dissecting the intrathoracic structures and removing the hernia sac with minimal bleeding. After removing the contents of the hernia sac into the abdominal cavity the lengthening of the oesophagus is carried out so that at least some part of the oesophagus remains in the abdomen. The diaphragmatic hiatuses are closed after the surgery is completed.

Advantages of Laparoscopic surgery for hernia treatment

Laparoscopic surgery is the most advanced and highly effective procedure for treating hernia. At Pristyn care, every hernia patient is taken care of individually to help them find effective laser surgery treatment at affordable prices when compared to other clinics. Apart from this, there are numerous advantages of undergoing laser surgery for a hernia.

  • No Postoperative pain.
  • The faster recovery period, an individual can resume their work within 1 to 2 weeks of their surgery
  • Short-term recurrence of the disease.
  • No lifestyle modification.


All the above-mentioned types of laparoscopic surgery are carried out after evaluating the patient thoroughly on various factors like the location of the hernia, size of the hernia and number of hernia.  All these clinical heterogeneity factors can sometimes make the repair strategy very challenging in some cases. So, discuss with your surgeon which type of laser surgery is most suitable for you.

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