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How CBD Works to Kill Cancer? Cancer Research UK

CBD Use & CBD Works to Kill Cancer

Currently CBD Works to Kill Cancer, there are over 100 different types of cancers that have been identified. Cancer can potentially affect nearly every organ within the human body and is typically a debilitating condition. The conventional treatment for most types of cancers, although not always, is chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or even surgical intervention.

While these therapies can be effective in helping to eradicate the cancer from an individual, they usually come with a hefty load of unappealing side effects. This can include hair loss, extreme fatigue, nausea and vomiting, infection, fertility issues, constipation or diarrhea, and many more.

But what if there were a more natural method in treating cancer or relieving some of the issues that are a result of Chemotherapy? Taking CBD oil during chemotherapy?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is naturally derived from the hemp plant and can potentially be beneficial to individuals suffering from cancer. The purpose of this article is to inform interested audiences on background information related to cancer and how CBD can play a role in individuals suffering from cancer.

Cancer cells versus normal cells

Cancer cells differ from normal cells found within the human body in many ways. These key differences allow cancer cells to grow out of control and become invasive within the body. One key difference between cancer and normal cells is that cancer cells are less specialized; meaning, normal cells mature into distinct cell types with various specific functions while cancer cells do not.

For this reason, cancer cells are able to replicate without stopping. Cancer cells are also able to ignore specific signals that tell normal cells to stop dividing or that begin a process known as apoptosis, also referred to as programmed cell death which the body utilizes to eliminate unneeded cells.

CBD Works to Kill Cancer

Cancer cells are also able to exploit the normal cells, blood vessels, and molecules that surround the cancer and use them as nutrients. For example, cancer cells can stimulate nearby normal cells to form blood vessels that supply tumors with oxygen and nutrients. Lastly, cancer cells are able to evade, as well as use, the Immune System.

Cancer cells avoid the body’s Immune Response that offers protection against infections and other harmful conditions, while in the same sense, hijacking the system to stay alive and grow. With the help of certain immune system cells that normally prevent a runaway immune response, cancer cells can actually keep the immune system from killing cancer cells.

Types of Cancer Cells

  • Carcinoma: the most common cancer from epithelial cells. Epithelial cells are cells on the surfaces that are inside and outside of the body.
  • Sarcoma: cancer in bone and soft tissues.
  • Leukemia: cancer in the blood and blood-forming tissues.
  • Lymphoma: cancer in the lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are important for creating healthy cells that are important for the immune system.
  • Multiple myeloma: cancer in plasma cells. Plasma cells are white blood cells. White blood cells fight infections.
  • Melanoma: cancer in the cells that make melanin. Melanin gives skin its color.
  • Tumor: swelling and inflammation from overgrowth. Tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign is noncancerous and malignant is cancerous.

What role does CBD play in Cancer-Related Treatment?

CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, pain relieving, appetite simulating, and anti-anxiety properties. All of which are important for managing key characteristics of cancer and side effects of cancer-related therapies.


In cancer patients, inflammation happens from the formation of extra blood vessels and cell overgrowth. Inflammation can also cause increased pain and vascular injury. The bodies response to increased pain and injury is inflammation and the release of disease-fighting cells.

However, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties as it binds to receptors in the brain and body that alters the inflammation process causing a decreased affect. It has been shown to help regulate cell signaling pathways, which are important in cell growth and death.


Antioxidation is a mechanism that prevents a sequence of reactions that result in the damage of normal cells. For example, one reaction is stimulating cell growth, which is a key component of cancer. Antioxidant properties of CBD can potentially help decrease cell growth by blocking pathways that trigger it.

Pain relief

Pain is a common modality seen in individuals suffering with cancer. There are studies with moderate-level quality of evidence for chronic pain treatment with the use of CBD. Due to CBD’s particular mechanism of action in inducing pain modulation, an individual may gain significant benefit in the reduction of pain or reducing the use of chronic opioid use.


Preclinical research has indicated that Cannabinoids, including CBD Works to Kill Cancer, may be effective clinically for treating both nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy or other therapeutic treatments. It is able to reduce these effects caused by common anti-cancer agents by its specific actions in the serotonergic and endocannabinoid systems.


Anxiety is also another common modality in individuals with cancer. The condition can increase stress levels dramatically, whether it’s the condition in itself or dealing with costs of therapies, that can result in heightened anxiety. CBD has the ability to suppress anxiety in individuals by specific actions within the Serotonergic and Endocannabinoid systems.

Legality of CBD

All states in the U.S. have laws legalizing CBD due to new acts signed into law such as the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. According to this act, the government has a strict law making it illegal if the CBD product contains more than 0.3% THC.

This is because THC is still considered a schedule 1 controlled substance at the federal level making it illegal, although some states have legalized THC products at the state level. In U.S. states where THC is considered a legal substance, a CBD product is able to surpass the 0.3% threshold determined by the federal government.

However, one needs to understand that although THC is legalized at the state level in certain U.S. states, it is still illegal federally and federal law ultimately trumps state law. The important take away is that individuals need to assess the CBD products quality and composition before consumption in order to prevent unwanted chemicals entering the body.


Cancer is an unfortunate and lethal condition that can affect anyone at any time. Due to the major differences between normal cells and cancer cells, tumors and malignancies are able to survive within the body and progress at a rapid pace which can further diminish the quality of life for an affected individual.

Although there are many different types of cancer cells/types, they tend to behave similarly within the body. One possible alternative and adjunctive therapy in the management of cancer and the side effects of cancer-related therapies is the utilization of CBD. This compound has numerous health advantages in which many are related to cancer.

Due to the limiting evidence and research done with CBD in the setting cancer, one should not expect CBD to be a miracle drug and cure their cancer. However, CBD Works to Kill Cancer may be extremely beneficial when added to the treatment plan recommended by a provider. As always, one should consult with their designated provider before using CBD for cancer-related issues to ensure safety and efficacy.

Interested in learning more about CBD? Visit:

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