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Age-Related Memory Loss, Music, and Mental Health

Misplacing keys, blanking on someone’s name, and forgetting numbers are some of the most common things that most people experience Memory Loss. Many young people would not mind or pay too much attention to these occurrences. But, as some individuals age, these things might have already become concerns.

Are they, truly, matters of concern that need specialists’ assessments? Or, are they only a part of the process of aging?

If you are having these kinds of questions, then this post is for you.

All About Age-Related Memory Loss

Memory lapses are often too frustrating and annoying. But, Memory Loss most cases, these do not require too much worrying as they are not a matter of concern. More often than not, they are just part of your aging process. Keep in mind that there is a definite fine line between dementia and age-related Memory Loss.

Age-Related Memory Loss

The brain is arguably the most powerful organ in the body. It has the ability to produce new brain cells no matter how young or old you are. Hence, major memory loss is not inevitably part of aging.

However, experts noted that, much like the muscles, people must either use it lose it. Moreover, your habits, activities, and lifestyle all play essential roles in the overall health of your brain. So, while memory lapses may not be a result of your aging process, your lifestyle may be.

Reasons Behind Memory Loss

There are several reasons behind memory loss. But, in most cases, these things can be divided into two categories: medical conditions and emotional-related concerns.

1 Medical Conditions

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease are not the only conditions that cause memory loss. But, the most apparent ones are those related to brain issues. These include head injuries and concussions, encephalitis (acute infection of brain tissues), brain tumors, and normal pressure hydrocephalus.

Outside the brain, conditions, like liver and kidney disorders, vitamin B12 deficiency, thyroid problems, strokes, and infections also impact the state of one’s memories.

For women, menopause and pregnancy may also trigger memory loss due to physical and hormonal changes. But, more often than not, memory lapses in these aspects are only temporary.

2 Emotional Problems

Mind and emotions have strong links. This is some people could not think straight when they are emotional.

With this connection, having emotional problems and conditions has an impact on the brain that can trigger memory lapses. Some of these conditions and concerns include:

Keep in mind, though, that memory loss due to emotional problems is usually reversible. With the help of counseling, community support, and lifestyle changes, one can improve the state and condition of their brain when it comes to remembering things.

Relationship Between Music and Memory Loss

Music offers essential benefits to every individual. Studies and research have already established the importance and advantages of music to one’s overall health. This is because music directly impacts the mind, the aspect that tackles memory loss.

So, if music offers direct benefits to the brain, music then has a lot to offer when it comes to resolving memory lapses.

Can Music Help Reverse Early Memory Loss?

While studies proving the benefits of music to memory loss remain inconclusive, results have always shown promising data, which allows experts to conclude that memory loss can be likely resolved with the help of music.


But, can music, truly, reverse memory loss?

Yes, it can. However, this always comes with reservations. Based on the latest research and studies, music helps improve these kinds of brain and mental issues.

Experts have yet to come up with a direct conclusion that music reverses memory loss. Nevertheless, making improvements is already a big step toward recovery. This is why many specialists recommend music lessons and music therapies to individuals living with memory issues.

Tips To Preserve and Improve Memory As We Age

Here are some ways that you can do to preserve, maintain, and even improve your memory even as you age:

Keep Learning

As mentioned, your brain is like your muscles. You either use it or lose it. In order to maintain its optimal condition, make sure to always utilize your brain even in the simplest ways. Do brain exercises and encourage yourself to learn new things all the time.

Simple readings will do, as well as brain teasers and puzzles. You can also look for new hobbies and projects at home that will challenge you, your body, and your mind. Some great examples are gardening, home-improvement projects, learning to play musical instruments, and brief researching on topics you are not familiar with yet.


Self-care is another important matter that you must well-regard all the time. This does not only revolve around your physical health. Self-care is a holistic act of taking care of yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

Aside from exercising and doing workout routines, you should pay attention to your diet, as well. Also, keep up with your hobbies and interests. Ensure to get connected all the time with your ties.

Believe In Yourself

This may sound too cliche, but believing in yourself is another ideal way to preserve your mind and memory as you age. Studies show that people who have a negative connotation about aging and memory are more likely to suffer from cognitive decline.

Conversely, people who always believe in themselves, believing that they can be healthy and strong even as they age, normally manifest more positive results when it comes to the conditions of their mind and brain.

When You Should See Your Doctor?

Having forgetful moments and memory lapses does not mean that you are already a candidate for dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. In most cases, people simply experience memory losses due to minor concerns, like the lack of sleep, stress, and other relating causes of age-related memory lapses.

But, if you have worries about whether your condition is already severe, then seek help and consult doctors. It is worth noting that early detection is much better than cure.

Doctors would initially ask you questions about what you feel and why you think you need a clear diagnosis. There will be tests, as well, to see the entirety of your condition and current state.

Final Thoughts

All people will age. While brain functions would naturally decline as your age advances, you can always age gracefully and healthily with the right lifestyle choices.

If you are experiencing memory lapses and losses from time to time, do not be concerned too much. But, if it already messes your daily activities, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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