Friday, March 14, 2025

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Activities that can Leave you Feeling Dehydrated

Having lost a large amount of water from the body (Dehydration) is more dangerous than most people might think. We need to stay hydrated in order for all our organs to function properly. Dehydrated happens when you lose more fluids than our bodies could take in. There are different ways our bodies could lose fluids, some that we are not even aware of.

Dehydration could sneak up on you really quick, so you have to be careful and know what the symptoms of dehydration are so you know when you have to hydrate yourself. There are certain things that we do that cause us to get dehydrated and it’s extremely important that you are aware of these activities.

I know the things that cause my body to get dehydrated. It’s not always the same for everyone, so we have to know our bodies to know the activities that we do that cause us to get Dehydrated. What causes my body to get dehydrated might be different than what causes your body to get dehydrated.

This is because all our bodies are different. This is why it’s extremely important that we really get to know our bodies so we know things like this, so we know when we are going to have to intake more fluids.

The activities that cause my body to get dehydrated that I know of are in no particular order; sodium. When I eat things that are high in sodium or salt, I tend to get dehydrated, so I know if I’m eating extra salty food I’m going to have to drink more liquids.

Excessive sweating also really dehydrates me. So I know to drink more water when I’m going to work out, do any type of exercise, especially if it’s going to be intense exercise. Swimming also seems to dehydrate me, so I’m constantly drinking water when I’m swimming to make sure I stay hydrated.

This is going to be pretty gross but I get really dehydrated when I have diarrhea. Doesn’t happen very often, but I know I need to drink more liquids when I’m sick. The number one thing in my life that would really dehydrate me is alcohol. I’m sure most people that drink alcohol would agree with me on this one. Alcohol really is the worst thing for me when it comes to dehydration.

So how do I know these things dehydrate me? Because I know my body. When I know I’m getting dehydrated I tend to get dry mouth and get extremely thirsty that I really must drink something or take my Total Hydration electrolytes, which work awesome.

They replenish all the lost electrolytes in your body and it works extremely quickly. That’s why I always like to have these on hand. I also start feeling really tired and groggy once dehydration starts to set in. 

So these are the things that dehydrate me. How do I know? Because I know my body. Like I said earlier, the things that dehydrate me might not dehydrate anyone else. All of our bodies are different. This is why it’s important we know and pay attention to our bodies. If we listen and pay attention, our bodies will speak to us.

I can’t stress the importance of staying hydrated enough. So do whatever you have to do to stay hydrated, especially on hot days. Well that’s when I’m more vulnerable. So stay hydrated everyone. Know your bodies and pay attention to them. God bless!

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