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How Long Does It Take to Get Pregnant Through IVF?

We mourn with individuals who had to cancel their cycles as a result of the COVID-19. We wish we could reach out and give each of you a hand or a hug, but the weather prevents us from doing so ivf. We hope that our written words and virtual support groups are of some assistance, even if it is only a tiny amount because you remain our top priority.

Coronavirus Doesn’t Have to Derail IVF Plans Completely. Here’s Why

There’s no excuse for those of you who haven’t yet started the IVF process not to look for further information…

Treatments take time, communication, discussions, phone calls, and decisions, as any fertility patient will tell you, long before the first injection. We hope that as you read the article below, you will notice methods to be proactive in your fertility journey, things you can do right now to help shift the needle.

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai’s finest IVF Centre in India is waiting for you. Whether you’re looking to book a consultation, speak with a patient advocate, or reset, this is the place to be. We are aware of each option and will assist you in making your decision.

Continue reading to learn more about the underlying science IVF schedule and how it might fit into your life now or in the future.

Get Pregnant Through IVF, Trend HealthWhen I start an IVF cycle, how long will it take?

The IVF cycle lasts about four weeks, the same amount of time as a typical ovulation cycle.

Only after initial fertility testing has been performed may treatment begin. Fertility testing comprises determining your ovarian reserve or egg quality, examining your uterine cavity, and analyzing your sperm.

We also want to make sure you’re in the best health possible before starting a family. This will entail a medical examination that will cover everything from genetic carrier screening risks to mild or moderate blood sugar increases. Specific medical issues may necessitate lifestyle changes that will improve the chances of a future pregnancy and make it simpler to conceive.

The complete process can take up to 120 days or 4 months to include a 90-day preconception health regimen and fertility tests.

Why is the IVF Timeline including the 90-Day Preconception Health Regimen?

The best chance of success is to have a healthy body.

According to an IVF doctor from the top clinic in India, even simple modifications to your nutrition and lifestyle in the months leading up to IVF can help you have a successful IVF cycle and a healthy pregnancy. As a result, three months before the commencement of an IVF cycle is the best time to start adopting a preconception checklist.

It would be best if you started the physician-approved regimen during this period, which will most likely include taking prenatal vitamins, boosting your water intake, improving your sleep hygiene, and eating balanced and nutritious food. Limiting your intake of alcohol and caffeine, quitting smoking, and introducing low-impact exercise into your daily routine will also help your body prepare for the rigors of fertility therapy and pregnancy.

Your doctor will start pre-treatment tests 30 days before your IVF cycle. A comprehensive blood panel (including checking titers to see if you need immunization boosters and genetic carrier screening), a saline sonogram to ensure your uterine cavity is healthy before the embryo transfer, vaginal ultrasounds, infectious disease screenings, and male fertility testing are all standard IVF pre-testing procedures.

Up to 40% of infertility issues are caused by male fertility. A semen analysis is performed as part of the test, and the quantity and quality of sperm are assessed. The preconception checklist also applies to the male spouse because sperm is produced every 64 days. Count, morphology, and motility of sperm are all assessed.

Finally, the IVF cycle begins, which might take up to six weeks to discover a pregnancy with a pregnancy blood test.

What are the phases of in vitro fertilization?

The IVF cycle begins when the diagnostic testing is completed.

Oral Contraceptives – Birth Control (Stage 1)

IVF patients will start oral contraceptives for 10-14 days before commencing fertility medicines, which may seem paradoxical. When used before ovarian stimulation, oral contraceptives have been shown to enhance the number of eggs available for retrieval, guarantee that follicles grow as a coherent group, and support ovarian health during IVF.

Fertility Medication – Stimulation (Stage 2)

After completing an oral contraceptive course, the fertility patient begins nine to eleven days of fertility drug injections. The fertility drugs contain naturally occurring hormones that aid in the development and maturation of your follicles (eggs are housed within the follicles).

IVF cycle, Trend Health

How many mature eggs are available for retrieval is determined by the number of follicles and their size. You should expect to visit your fertility program’s center every other day for a vaginal ultrasound and blood monitoring throughout this time.

Retrieval of Eggs (Stage 3)

The eggs are taken from the ovarian follicles and transferred to an IVF lab to fertilize and divide in a one-day operation known as egg retrieval.

It is essential to track the development of the embryo. They are cared for by an embryologist who watches them divide and multiply for five days before transitioning from the zygote stage to the lastocyst stage.

According to research (zygote stage), the blastocyst stage has a better success rate than transplanting the embryo back to the uterus on day three, according to the study (zygote stage).

Embryo Transfer (Stage 4)

On day 5, the embryo will be transported back to the uterus after fertilization. (Day 0 is the day of retrieval.) The embryo transfer is likewise a one-day process that takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

You will be awake during this painless operation, and no anesthetic will be required. After that, there’s a waiting period to see if the embryo implants in the uterus. This can take anywhere from 9 to 10 days, depending on the embryo’s maturity at the time of transfer.

According to studies, having laser acupuncture before and after your embryo transfer can enhance your chances of implantation by up to 15%!

Why must I begin IVF a month before my egg retrieval?

An IVF cycle lasts around a month, which is the same length as a typical ovulation cycle. Ovulation is the discharge of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized or retrieved in the event of IVF.

IVF’s purpose is to prepare and stimulate your ovaries to generate a large number of mature eggs for retrieval and prepare your uterus for implantation. Ovarian stimulation and preparation take place before and during the ovulation cycle.

How Long Does It Take for the Embryo to Implant After an IVF Cycle?

It can take anywhere from one to five days following the transfer, depending on the embryo’s maturity. However, you won’t know if you’re pregnant until nine days following the transfer when you take a pregnancy blood test in the clinic.

When Will I Find Out If I’m Pregnant After My IVF Cycle?

Waiting for pregnancy results might be the most challenging phase of treatment due to anxiety and enthusiasm. A word of warning, though: if you take a pregnancy test too soon, it won’t be accurate.

A pregnancy blood test is performed about 9 days following the transfer to determine actual quantities of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the hormone released by the placenta after implantation.

Your Experience with IVF

So you’ve had your consultation and diagnostic testing, and now you’re ready to begin your IVF journey. This is a significant step, and you’re doing everything you can to prepare your mind and body for it. You’ve already established a baseline of expectations by reading this site. Remember that everyone’s journey is different, and you should keep in touch with your spouse and your fertility team at all times.

Are you ready to take the next step? Get to know what it’s like to go through IVF on a physical level. What will the sensation be like? What kind of reactions do you think you’ll get? What constitutes normalcy and what does not? 

We at Dr. Hrishikesh Pai’s IVF clinic in India wish you the best of luck in your family-building endeavors and hope you are as well prepared as possible for your IVF procedure.

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